So I came across a quote on a friend's facebook page yesterday, which I immediately applied to my own recovery, and which I then also posted as my facebook status. The quote says this:
"I always win. Because I come out of every situation still whole, still new, and still capable of moving forward. Every experience of my life moves me on to my next experience. All my experiences teach me wisdom, give me courage, and set me free to go on living." -- Kenny Shultz
While I don't always necessarily feel like a winner (and I'm not talking about Charlie Sheen-type winning), based on what this quote says, about coming out of every situation still whole, still new, and still capable of moving forward, I am always a winner, whether I feel like it or not. I definitely believe all of my experiences have taught me wisdom of some kind, have given me courage, and have allowed me to go on living....after all, I'm still here, writing this blog post.
I think this quote can be applied to anyone's life, but I think it can be applied directly to ANY time of recovery anyone has ever experienced. I'd love to hear thoughts from both individuals who consider themselves "in recovery" or "recovered" (however you define those terms is up to you) AND individuals who just apply this to their normal, everyday lives.
I can't wait to hear your thoughts!!
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